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Unlimited CT Scan Storage

Instantly access your data for years to come.

Unlike legacy systems, the Neptune CT scanner streams data to the cloud, where it is automatically processed and analyzed by Atlas—Lumafield’s AI co-pilot—in Voyager. Because the data is in the cloud, data can be viewed on any device immediately, even including mobile devices, making it easy to share scans with decision makers around the world. This also results in an ever-growing database of scans that gets more valuable with each additional scan. This aggregate data unlocks many layers of analytical value: from trend analysis, to training data for sophisticated AI models, to root cause analysis, customers get more out of the system as they continue to use it.

In addition to Lumafield’s cloud-connected Neptune CT scanner, we also offer an entirely offline, on-premise Neptune. To learn about scan storage for Offline Neptune, please contact Lumafield.

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