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Automated End-to-End Workflows

Automate repetitive data processing and analysis tasks.

The Auto ROI Analysis Recipe optimizes the labor-intensive process of scanning batches of parts in Design of Experiment matrices (DOEs) or assessing new vendors by automatically detecting individual parts, separating them into oriented and cropped Regions of Interest (ROIs). This feature, the first in our series of Global Analysis Recipes, is available to all customers, ensuring precise and efficient analysis of large DOEs. Automated CAD Comparison ensures the accuracy of scanned components compared to the original CAD model, eliminating the need for manual intervention and enhancing precision.

With Automated End-to-End Workflows, Neptune, Voyager, and Triton users are leveraging automation to streamline the complexities of high-volume inspection. Whether you're dealing with batch scanning, DOE assessments, or vendor verifications, Lumafield's Automated End-to-End Workflows pave the way for labor savings, precision, and scalability. Scan and Analysis Recipes can revolutionize even the most complex inspection processes, providing tailor-made solutions to your unique needs.

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