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CAD Comparison

Quickly compare your manufactured parts to their original design.

Running a CAD Comparison takes just a few minutes in Voyager. And with Atlas, our AI engineering co-pilot, it's even easier. Voyager accepts mesh files exported from any CAD software, as well as 3D and CT scan data for comparison. Atlas guides the user through an alignment process, automatically visualizing the divergence between the CAD file and the scanned part. Atlas runs the same workflow to help you compare one scanned part to another with Scan-to-Scan Comparison.

The entire process runs in a web browser, taking just minutes to handle analysis that would otherwise require days of imprecise and expensive article inspection. Our CAD Comparison tools accelerate design iterations, reduce scrap, and cut costs; helping designers and engineers make data-driven decisions that go beyond calipers and 2D drawings.

Explore CAD Comparison in Voyager

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